Great resignation become a recruiter

From Great Resignation to Great Resurgence: A silver lining

From Great Resignation to Great Resurgence: A silver lining
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Companies who aren’t going all-in on their commitments to their workforce even after the continuous ups and downs of COVID and its variants are still losing sleep over the Great Resignation. But for recruiters, there’s a silver lining when it comes to employees willing to leave their current profession behind for a career change. There are expert matchmakers at the ready for job seekers wanting to transition into better roles, salaries, and companies and who are lending their hand in the workforce’s Great Resurgence.

The Great Resignation

The Great Resignation, a term now predominantly used to describe the large number of workers quitting (or seriously considering it), was coined by Anthony Klotz, an associate professor of the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University, and had taken the workforce by storm in 2020. And even today, the facts are still staggering:

  • Over 4 million people have quit [their] jobs each month since August.
  • Job openings rose to 10.9 million on the last business day of December 2021.
  • The industries still taking a hit after the pandemic, and even more so just in the beginning months of 2022 :
  1. Government
  2. Education and health services
  3. Retail trade
  • The South and Midwest regions of the United States were equally shaken when experiencing the weight of workers quitting, but the states most heavily impacted have been: Georgia, Illinois, and New York.

Recruiters have been analyzing workforce trends and are thinking about what comes next for those still debating whether or not to take the leap.

A Great Resurgence

The clock’s been ticking, and just as quickly as people are leaving their jobs, they’re also quick to jump at new and exciting opportunities that are right for them. Recruiters need to act fast and be well-versed in what these career adventurers are after so that they can help bring the right matches together.

New priorities

Employees weren’t quitting without good or reasonable cause. Things no longer making sense for many people regarding ways to work include: 1 to 2-hour commutes on top of a rigid 40 hour work week, poor nutrition, high-stress environments, reduced quality time with loved ones, and the list goes on…

People are looking for a more well-balanced work environment. So it’s no wonder flexibility, better time management, workplace happiness, and employee wellness have become increasingly popular necessities for workers making a comeback in today’s job market.

Making improvements

A new kind of talent is (re)joining the workforce. Newly skilled, reskilled, and upskilled job seekers are excitedly embarking on new career paths. Recruiters can leverage job seekers’ professional growth, new skills, and developing talents when marketing candidate profiles to client companies looking for a diverse workforce.

With additional and well-rounded skillsets, job boards, listings, job offers and descriptions, and even company cultures will have to adapt to ensure an organization’s values align with continued growth.

Trading spaces

Recruiters are having an easier time sourcing opportunities and candidates now that more and more roles are no longer bound to a specific location. Even the highly coveted corner office with a view doesn’t quite compare to hybrid or work-from-home options.

As a recruiter, enticing digital nomads to apply for the typical desk-jockey position may seem like barking up the wrong tree. But with client companies taking advantage of a laptop lifestyle, there’s an influx of corporate positions that no longer require the confines of cubicle walls.

A silver lining

The fluctuating quits, hiring, and job openings in this emerging candidate market require an industry overseer to help balance workforce trends. And who better than skilled matchmaking recruiters? So recruiters out there, it’s time to raise the bar even higher and put your industry insight and soft skills to the test!

If you’re interested in becoming a recruiter and helping grow people and companies, there’s a team waiting for you at gpac!

Contributed by Mary Dominguez

The Key to Find Top Talent
Workforce Trends: Closing the Skills Gap
3 Facts on How COVID-19 Changed Recruitment

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