Video Learning

Video Learning: A Benefit of Online Education

Video Learning: A Benefit of Online Education
Reading Time: 5 minutes

The future of education has evolved substantially since the pandemic hit. Video conferencing in teaching and learning and other digital learning tools are gaining ground among learners, who seek more comfortable and accessible options to continue their education. 

Video learning is one of the eLearning methods that has risen as an alternative for those seeking to increase their knowledge or improve their skill set. It’s handy, affordable, and perfect for specializing or complementing an individual’s studies. 

What is Video Learning, and how is it used in eLearning?

Answering this question is necessary to separate both concepts. As the name implies, video learning or video-based learning is an eLearning method that allows individuals to learn experiences or skills through video. Unlike other digital learning tools, video learning offers a multisensory experience by combining camera footage, graphics, animations, text, and audio. 

Now, eLearning is a concept that refers to every teaching tool or technique that provides knowledge using different electronic resources such as videos, webinars, ebooks, etc. Basically, the use of electronic devices and the internet is the trademark of this learning system. 

eLearning and video learning have proven to be the best method for professional learning and corporate training, mainly because of their retention rates. Also, they allow individuals to be self-paced and acquire new skills from anywhere they like. 

Are you still skeptical about the impact of eLearning and video learning? Take a look at some of these stats, and then you can more accurately judge how important they are:

  • By the end of 2020, 58% of online users reported that they started using digital video to learn new skills.  
  • One-third of the internet audience watches a weekly tutorial, how-to, or educational video on the internet. 
  • YouTube has approximately 1.7 billion unique monthly visitors, which makes it the world’s second most visited website, behind Google.
  • 45% of elementary school students said their favorite eLearning methods are digital learning games and watching online videos.

Benefits of video-based learning

As you can see by now, video learning is an excellent alternative to gaining new abilities or extending your knowledge, especially if you have to match training with full or part-time work schedules or simply don’t have the means to return to school. 

Fortunately, and mainly because of the pandemic, learning through videos and other digital tools is increasingly the first option for achieving professional and personal goals. Students and life-long learners are more and more accustomed to using the internet to complement their educational endeavors. 

The truth is, video learning is gaining ground and continues to grow each day with more people taking the route of learning from home. Still, if you’re not sold, here are some other advantages of video learning to acknowledge:


As mentioned before, one of the main benefits of video learning is the ability to take the lessons in the order you prefer, whenever you want, and with the option to start, stop, and rewind as you wish. This makes learning self-paced, which ultimately maximizes the results of your studies. Online courses also allow you to take the training anywhere, whether it’s from the comfort of your home, at the office, or even on the road while on trips. 


This benefit goes hand in hand with the previous one. Learning videos and eLearning generally don’t require any specific device or location. You can take courses on any device you prefer and whenever the time best suits you. The choice is yours. You can continue classes fixed at your desk with your laptop or desktop, or on the go with your cell phone or tablet while traveling. Depending on the platform, there are some cases where you can download the lessons, meaning you don’t even need an internet connection.


Have you heard about microlearning? If not, it’s an educational strategy that breaks complex topics into short-form lessons that can be reviewed as often as you want. Sounds familiar, right? That’s because one of the key aspects of videos for learning is they don’t need to last long; on the contrary, the shorter, the better. Bite-sized and engaging videos are more likely to increase retention rates and create a more meaningful user experience. 


Video is a cost-effective solution for professional training. Thanks to the variety of online educational platforms and plans, you can always find an affordable option for you to continue your education. This will also save you money, not just on course costs, but also on what you would spend commuting or buying material needed for your classes, let alone an entire degree. 


This benefit applies mainly to people who want to complement their classroom education or job training. In those cases, video-based learning and online courses are usually used as extra content and can help cover any missed or unclear lessons. This means you can use digital learning tools to review certain topics as many times as you need until it’s fully understood or dig deeper into subjects you found interesting and you want to specialize in.

How to get the best of video learning 

Even though video learning is a go-to for many professionals and students, it’s important to remember it is all about engagement. Whether you’re creating videos for learning or looking to purchase an online course, there are some aspects to keep in mind if you want to get the most out of the mentioned benefits. 

Try interactive content

This is a tip for both content creators and learners. As mentioned before, what makes video learning attractive is how engaging it is. If you want a more entertaining educational experience, try videos that go beyond just text and audio; look for something that offers examples and scenarios that allow you to participate. This will provide context related to the topics and give an idea of real-life and practical situations.

Focus on relevant topics

There are different approaches to the topics you’re interested in, but be specific about what you want to learn or teach. Though some of the first units of online courses commonly show an overview of the main topic, they should dive in on the ins and outs so that students aren’t searching elsewhere for the material you should be capitalizing on. At the end of the day, providing specialization and additional insights are two essential objectives of video learning.

Seek social experiences

This one may seem tricky since we’re talking about remote and digital learning tools, but remember, people crave social interaction. Though learning videos are a way to increase your knowledge in isolation, that doesn’t mean you can’t add social elements to your experience. 

Comment sections, discussion forums, and online communities are virtual spaces where users can share thoughts and ideas about what they’re learning. Aside from improving engagement with the topic, social interaction will enhance the learning experience since students can create debates and exchange questions and perspectives.

If you’re seeking to continue your professional training or learn new abilities outside your field, video learning is not only the right choice, it’s the most effective one. Those interested in the field of recruitment reap all the benefits mentioned in this article with gpac’s digital online training: ongoing courses available at one’s fingertips, incredibly easy to access, and made by the most experienced players in the industry.

Contributed by Luis Arellano

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