Motivating high performers

Attracting and Motivating High Performers to Work for You

Attracting and Motivating High Performers to Work for You
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Looking at your company’s employees, you may be thinking to yourself, “How did I get so lucky in building such a high-performing team, and how can I attract more?” But the truth of the matter is, you weren’t lucky, and you most likely have everything needed to draw in more top performers. 

Recognizing that you’ve got the ingredients to keep high performers around is only half the challenge. How you use that knowledge can be the difference between bringing in new high performers and losing the ones you’ve got.

Motivating high performers to work for you instead of your competitors shouldn’t be difficult but should be done right. Don’t take any chances! Follow these helpful tips and expand your team with even more high-performing employees.

Provide the engaging environment they want to work in

Unlike your average worker, higher pay isn’t always the answer when it comes to motivating high performers. A healthy work environment and competitive culture can be just as exciting as a pay raise and may even be more sought after if their current company feels stale. Having a workplace culture that accommodates high performers could be the deciding factor in choosing you over others that may be interested in them.

Move past their results for just a second and think about how these candidates can fit in on a personal level. Let high performers know that they’re desired not only because of the outcomes of their work ethic but also because of how well they’ll fit in with your company’s culture.

Share your company’s high-performance culture and let new potential hires know that you understand and can provide the right work environment for their needs and growth. There’s nothing more enticing for a high performer than the perfect conditions for progressing one’s career.

Share the spotlight with your high performers

Sure, a high-performance culture is essential for enticing new hires, but actual examples of success will come from putting your high performers front and center. Bringing your top producers into the interviewing process to motivate high performers to join your team will solidify their vision for success while working with you. 


Top talent recognizes top talent.

Presenting your company’s high-performing employees can help attract other high performers and give insight into whether or not they recognize the performance qualities, employee characteristics, and technical skills they possess similar to their own. Your top performers will know if new hires are ready to adapt to the company’s high-performance practices.

As your high performers ask all of the critical questions necessary for gauging a candidate’s work habits and mindset, they could also demonstrate a level of employee engagement that new hires are craving. Your employees can best answer all of the questions new high performers may have about their growth moving forward with the company.

Through your employees, potential hires can see for themselves what success with your company looks like, which will give you the edge over your competitors. This strategy is great for motivating both current and prospective high-performing employees.

Work your company’s success into their own

Just as their performance is what drew you in, your path for them and your company’s success should also draw them in. Show them a career plan that acknowledges their value and has a structure for their professional growth.

The skills and experience they have are excellent as is, but you can entice them with room for creativity and challenges along the way.

How to draw in and keep your high performers?

– Offer roles and projects that will help them develop while working with your company.
– Recognize their high-performance mentality and drive for continuous learning and advancement in their career. 
– Create a plan that rotates them into high-performing teams for support and mentorship.
– Ensure your interest in merit-based promotions by suggesting regular performance reviews to track their improvement with each new task or project.

Apply these tips for long-term motivation and employee engagement. An average employee may be complacent with a fixed set of responsibilities, but high performers are most likely waiting to tackle bigger challenges in their career.

If you’re interested in motivating high performers to work with your company, make sure you’ve done your part to facilitate a workplace environment where high performers can feel encouraged, engaged, and thrive.

Good! You know that bringing high performers on board is a game changer. But how well do you understand them?

Download our full guide to understand HiPer’s and make them part of your growth strategy.

Ultimate Guide For Understanding High Performers
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Contributed by Mary Dominguez

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